Twitter bios are becoming more complicated and harder to understand, thanks to all the hashtags, code words, acronyms, and phrases people use to describe their background in 160 characters. Here’s a handy guide to help you understand what people mean by what they say.
Writer: I wrote a blog post once. Somewhere.
Health & Fitness Enthusiast: Soy-milk drinking, vegetarian-eating “foodie” who will take pictures of my “food” and share it to brag about how “yummy” it is.
Health & Fitness Nut: Health and fitness enthusiast, but I’m a jerk about it.
Living the Dream: I will pester the shit out of you about buying my MLM program.
MLM: I’m new to the whole multi-level marketing and Twitter thing, and still believe you’ll be interested in it when I put it in my bio. I haven’t learned to say “Living the Dream” yet.
Network Marketer: Sounds fancier than MLMer, but it means the same thing. It impressed my friends at my high school reunion though.
Affiliate Marketer: Former MLM marketer. I didn’t know that stuff could be so hard.
Passionate about: Take your pick. I have a) misguided priorities; b) no family; c) no life; d) no idea what “passionate” actually means. (hat tip to @Ed for this one.)
Foodie: I have an iPhone and a Tumblr account. I take pictures of my restaurant food.
Social Media Consultant: I play on Twitter and Facebook. I buy Groupons. I’m also a Writer.
(Any motivational quote): I believe the Successories posters.
Tweets Are My Own Opinion: My company is run by fearful lawyers who think that my every tweet is being pored over by the national media.
Conservative/Liberal: It’s about to get insufferable in here. Mute me during the entire presidential campaign year.
Life Coach: I got laid off last year.
(Uses special characters and dingbats): Hey everyone, look at me! I’m creative!
Location: The Universe/Everywhere/Someplace not real: Location: My mom’s basement.
Christ Follower: Oh yeah, you’re going to Hell.
Actor/Singer/Dancer: I want to be an actor/singer/dancer.
YOLO: I’m 18 and my parents aren’t on Twitter.
Loves to party: See YOLO.
(Bio written in third person): He has a manager to deal with this stuff. No really. His name? Uh, his name is Johnny, uh. . . Keyboard. Yeah, Johnny Keyboard.
#TeamFollowBack/I Follow Back: I’m soooo lonelyyyyy!
#Uses #Lots #Of #Hashtags: I read somewhere that hashtags are important. So I hashtag every word in my bio, even though it never ever shows up on #hashtag #searches.